Faculty of Geosciences and Geography: Research Data

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Now showing 1 - 20 of 23
  • Research Data
    The global water resources model WaterGAP v2.2e - model output for ISIMIP3b simulation phase with alternative PET method
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 2015-2100 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by in total 8 GCM input datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context phase 3b (https://www.isimip.org). The data provided here are created in a run with a specific option that uses an alternative method for calculating potential evapotranspiration to approximate the climate change effect to future evapotranspiration and runoff changes (for details see the model description paper of v2.2e, currently in revision 10.5194/gmd-2023-213).
      27  26
  • Research Data
    Assessing Groundwater Drought Hazard in the Case of Groundwater Storage Trends caused by Human Water Use as well as Climate Variability and Change - Data set
    Over the last decades, increasing groundwater abstractions, and to a lesser extent climate variability and change, have led to groundwater depletion (GWD), especially in major irrigation areas. Such negative trends in groundwater storage (GWS) are problematic in the context of groundwater drought detection since they can superimpose climate-induced drought signals including climate-induced groundwater pumping. As this is currently not considered in large-scale drought early warning systems (LDEWSs), we used time series of monthly GWS from the global hydrological model WaterGAP 2.2e to investigate how groundwater drought can best be quantified in an LDEWS covering GWD regions. Groundwater drought hazard indicators (GDHIs) based on three variants of GWS were analyzed: (1) GWS as impacted by human water use (GWS_ant), (2) naturalized GWS assuming no human water use (GWS_nat), and (3) GWS_ltc, in which the linear trend of GWS_ant is removed. Here, the reader can download 1) monthly time series of GWS_nat during 1980-2019, 2) GDHIs assessed in the study, 3) the R scripts for computing the indicators and other data (including required input data), and 4) WaterGAP-related data (e.g., landmask, big cities), and other meta data (e.g., GWD grid cells and LTC grid cells). WaterGAP 2.2e model output from an anthropogenic model run is available at https://doi.org/10.25716/GUDE.0TNY-KJPG.
      2  20
  • Research Data
    Vollständige Liste der Indikatoren und Datenquellen für den Mobilitätswendeindex sowie Indexwerte für Darmstadt, Frankfurt a.M. und Wiesbaden
    Aertker, Johannes
    Neumann, Christian
    Klinger, Thomas
    Lanzendorf, Martin
    Dieses Datenset liefert eine detaillierte Auflistung aller Indikatoren des Mobilitätswendeindex inklusive der Indikatorwerte für die erste Berechnung des Index für die Städte Frankfurt am Main, Wiesbaden und Darmstadt.
      44  6
  • Research Data
    Water use input for WaterGAP Global Hydrological Model (Python version) and 20CRv3-ERA5 climate forcing under historical setup of direct human impacts
    This dataset contains the water use input to run the Python-Version of WaterGAP. For details please see the ReWaterGAP documentation (https://hydrologyfrankfurt.github.io/ReWaterGAP/).
      32  4
  • Research Data
    Water use input for WaterGAP Global Hydrological Model (Python version) and 20CRv3-W5E5 climate forcing under historical setup of direct human impacts
    This dataset contains the water use input to run the Python-Version of WaterGAP. For details please see the ReWaterGAP documentation (https://hydrologyfrankfurt.github.io/ReWaterGAP/).
      22  4
  • Research Data
    Water use input for WaterGAP Global Hydrological Model (Python version) and GSWP3-ERA5 climate forcing under historical setup of direct human impacts
    This dataset contains the water use input to run the Python-Version of WaterGAP. For details please see the ReWaterGAP documentation (https://hydrologyfrankfurt.github.io/ReWaterGAP/).
      27  9
  • Research Data
    Water use input for WaterGAP Global Hydrological Model (Python version) and GSWP3-W5E5 climate forcing under historical setup of direct human impacts
    This dataset contains the water use input to run the Python-Version of WaterGAP. For details please see the ReWaterGAP documentation (https://hydrologyfrankfurt.github.io/ReWaterGAP/)
      34  17
  • Research Data
    Climate forcing GSWP3-ERA5 as input for the global hydrological model WaterGAP
    This dataset contains the climate data for the 4 variables (pr, tas, rsds, rlds) to run the Python-Version of WaterGAP. For details please see the ReWaterGAP documentation (https://hydrologyfrankfurt.github.io/ReWaterGAP/).
      40  6
  • Research Data
    Isothermal Compressibility and Isobaric Thermal Expansion of Liquid trans-1,2-Dichloroethene at Low Temperatures
    This dataset includes the experimental data on the density of the trans-1,2-dichloroethene. Thermal expansion and isothermal compressibility of this material were measured in the pressure range of 1—150 bar and temperature range from -26 to +6 °C. X-ray radiography set-up HECTOR at Ghent University was used for these measurements.
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  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e - daily water storage model output driven by gswp3-era5 and historical setup of direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download daily model output for water storage variables for the time period 1901-2019 (2023) that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by two alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. In the paper connected to this dataset (in review with Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. Here, the single water storage compartments and terrestrial (total) water storage are provided.
      90  30
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e - daily water storage model output driven by gswp3-w5e5 and historical setup of direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download daily model output for water storage variables for the time period 1901-2019 (2023) that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by two alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. In the paper connected to this dataset (in review with Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. Here, the single water storage compartments and terrestrial (total) water storage are provided.
      64  14
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e - model output driven by gswp3-era5 and historical setup of direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 1901-2019 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by four alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. For two climate datasets, model runs up to 2021 or 2023 are available. For comparison, output of a version of WaterGAP v2.2d that is calibrated to the same dataset of observed streamflow as WaterGAP v2.2e is provided. Each of the climate forcing-model version combinations is run in two socio-economic settings, histsoc and nosoc. In nosoc, human water use is set to zero and man-made reservoirs are assumed to be non-existant. In the paper connected to this dataset (in review with Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. The most important and requested model outputs (total water storage variations, streamflow and water use) are evaluated against observation data. Standard model output is described as well as the specifics of the WaterGAP contribution within the ISIMIP framework. Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T. A., Popat, E., Portmann, F. T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: Model description and evaluation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1037–1079. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021
      127  169
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e - model output driven by gswp3-era5 and neglecting direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 1901-2019 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by four alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. For two climate datasets, model runs up to 2021 or 2023 are available. For comparison, output of a version of WaterGAP v2.2d that is calibrated to the same dataset of observed streamflow as WaterGAP v2.2e is provided. Each of the climate forcing-model version combinations is run in two socio-economic settings, histsoc and nosoc. In nosoc, human water use is set to zero and man-made reservoirs are assumed to be non-existant. In the paper connected to this dataset (in review with Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. The most important and requested model outputs (total water storage variations, streamflow and water use) are evaluated against observation data. Standard model output is described as well as the specifics of the WaterGAP contribution within the ISIMIP framework. Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T. A., Popat, E., Portmann, F. T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: Model description and evaluation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1037–1079. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021
      23  5
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e - model output driven by gswp3-w5e5 and historical setup of direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 1901-2019 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by four alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. For two climate datasets, model runs up to 2021 or 2022 are available. For comparison, output of a version of WaterGAP v2.2d that is calibrated to the same dataset of observed streamflow as WaterGAP v2.2e is provided. Each of the climate forcing-model version combinations is run in two socio-economic settings, histsoc and nosoc. In nosoc, human water use is set to zero and man-made reservoirs are assumed to be non-existant. In the paper connected to this dataset (to be submitted to Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. The most important and requested model outputs (total water storage variations, streamflow and water use) are evaluated against observation data. Standard model output is described as well as the specifics of the WaterGAP contribution within the ISIMIP framework. Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T. A., Popat, E., Portmann, F. T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: Model description and evaluation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1037–1079. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021
      290  217
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e - model output driven by 20crv3-w5e5 and historical setup of direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 1901-2019 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by four alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. For two climate datasets, model runs up to 2021 or 2022 are available. For comparison, output of a version of WaterGAP v2.2d that is calibrated to the same dataset of observed streamflow as WaterGAP v2.2e is provided. Each of the climate forcing-model version combinations is run in two socio-economic settings, histsoc and nosoc. In nosoc, human water use is set to zero and man-made reservoirs are assumed to be non-existant. In the paper connected to this dataset (to be submitted to Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. The most important and requested model outputs (total water storage variations, streamflow and water use) are evaluated against observation data. Standard model output is described as well as the specifics of the WaterGAP contribution within the ISIMIP framework. Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T. A., Popat, E., Portmann, F. T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: Model description and evaluation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1037–1079. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021
      72  138
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e - model output driven by 20crv3-era5 and historical setup of direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 1901-2019 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by four alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. For two climate datasets, model runs up to 2021 or 2022 are available. For comparison, output of a version of WaterGAP v2.2d that is calibrated to the same dataset of observed streamflow as WaterGAP v2.2e is provided. Each of the climate forcing-model version combinations is run in two socio-economic settings, histsoc and nosoc. In nosoc, human water use is set to zero and man-made reservoirs are assumed to be non-existant. In the paper connected to this dataset (to be submitted to Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. The most important and requested model outputs (total water storage variations, streamflow and water use) are evaluated against observation data. Standard model output is described as well as the specifics of the WaterGAP contribution within the ISIMIP framework. Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T. A., Popat, E., Portmann, F. T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: Model description and evaluation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1037–1079. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021
      108  157
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e - model output driven by gswp3-era5 and historical setup of direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 1901-2019 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by four alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. For two climate datasets, model runs up to 2021 or 2022 are available. For comparison, output of a version of WaterGAP v2.2d that is calibrated to the same dataset of observed streamflow as WaterGAP v2.2e is provided. Each of the climate forcing-model version combinations is run in two socio-economic settings, histsoc and nosoc. In nosoc, human water use is set to zero and man-made reservoirs are assumed to be non-existant. In the paper connected to this dataset (to be submitted to Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. The most important and requested model outputs (total water storage variations, streamflow and water use) are evaluated against observation data. Standard model output is described as well as the specifics of the WaterGAP contribution within the ISIMIP framework. Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T. A., Popat, E., Portmann, F. T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: Model description and evaluation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1037–1079. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021
      207  243
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d - model output driven by gswp3-w5e5 and historical setup of direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 1901-2019 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by four alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. For two climate datasets, model runs up to 2021 or 2022 are available. For comparison, output of a version of WaterGAP v2.2d that is calibrated to the same dataset of observed streamflow as WaterGAP v2.2e is provided. Each of the climate forcing-model version combinations is run in two socio-economic settings, histsoc and nosoc. In nosoc, human water use is set to zero and man-made reservoirs are assumed to be non-existant. In the paper connected to this dataset (to be submitted to Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. The most important and requested model outputs (total water storage variations, streamflow and water use) are evaluated against observation data. Standard model output is described as well as the specifics of the WaterGAP contribution within the ISIMIP framework. Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T. A., Popat, E., Portmann, F. T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: Model description and evaluation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1037–1079. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021
      78  76
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e - model output driven by 20crv3-era5 and neglecting direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 1901-2019 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by four alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. For two climate datasets, model runs up to 2021 or 2022 are available. For comparison, output of a version of WaterGAP v2.2d that is calibrated to the same dataset of observed streamflow as WaterGAP v2.2e is provided. Each of the climate forcing-model version combinations is run in two socio-economic settings, histsoc and nosoc. In nosoc, human water use is set to zero and man-made reservoirs are assumed to be non-existant. In the paper connected to this dataset (to be submitted to Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. The most important and requested model outputs (total water storage variations, streamflow and water use) are evaluated against observation data. Standard model output is described as well as the specifics of the WaterGAP contribution within the ISIMIP framework. Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T. A., Popat, E., Portmann, F. T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: Model description and evaluation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1037–1079. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021
      43  60
  • Research Data
    The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d - model output driven by gswp3-w5e5 and neglecting direct human impacts
    Trautmann, Tim
    Ackermann, Sebastian
    Cáceres, Denise
    Flörke, Martina
    Gerdener, Helena
    Kynast, Ellen
    Peiris, Thedini Asali
    Schiebener, Leonie
    Schumacher, Maike
    Assessing global freshwater resources and human water use is of value for a number of needs but challenging. The global water use and water availability model WaterGAP has been in development since 1996 and has served a range of applications such as assessments of global water resources and water stress, also under the impact of climate change, drought hazard quantification, Life Cycle Assessments, water (over)use and consequently depletion of water resources and a better understanding of terrestrial water storage variations (jointly with satellite observations). Here, the reader can download model output for the time period 1901-2019 that was computed by driving WaterGAP v2.2e by four alternative climate datasets (climate forcings) that were generated in the ISIMIP context (https://www.isimip.org) and are described in https://data.isimip.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.982724. For two climate datasets, model runs up to 2021 or 2022 are available. For comparison, output of a version of WaterGAP v2.2d that is calibrated to the same dataset of observed streamflow as WaterGAP v2.2e is provided. Each of the climate forcing-model version combinations is run in two socio-economic settings, histsoc and nosoc. In nosoc, human water use is set to zero and man-made reservoirs are assumed to be non-existant. In the paper connected to this dataset (to be submitted to Geoscientific Model Development), the newest model version, WaterGAP v2.2e is described by providing the modifications to the previous version v2.2d (Müller Schmied et al. 2021) and the corresponding changes in model output. The most important and requested model outputs (total water storage variations, streamflow and water use) are evaluated against observation data. Standard model output is described as well as the specifics of the WaterGAP contribution within the ISIMIP framework. Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T. A., Popat, E., Portmann, F. T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: Model description and evaluation. Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 1037–1079. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021
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