Title | Language |
Phonon renormalization and Pomeranchuk instability in the Holstein model | en |
Name | ORCID | GND | Affiliation |
Hansen, Max |
13 Physics
307-02 Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Date Issued
09 January 2024
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Type(s) of data
Abstract | Language |
The Holstein model with dispersionless Einstein phonons is one of the simplest models describing electron-phonon interactions in condensed matter. A naive extrapolation of perturbation theory in powers of the relevant dimensionless electron-phonon coupling λ0 suggests that at zero temperature the model exhibits a Pomeranchuk instability characterized by a divergent uniform compressibility at a critical value of λ0 of order unity. In this work, we re-examine this problem using modern functional renormalization group (RG) methods. For dimensions d>3 we find that the RG flow of the Holstein model indeed exhibits a tricritical fixed point associated with a Pomeranchuk instability. This non-Gaussian fixed point is ultraviolet stable and is closely related to the well-known ultraviolet stable fixed point of ϕ3-theory above six dimensions. To realize the Pomeranchuk critical point in the Holstein model at fixed density both the electron-phonon coupling λ0 and the adiabatic ratio ω0/εF have to be fine-tuned to assume critical values of order unity, where ω0 is the phonon frequency and εF is the Fermi energy. However, for dimensions d≤3 we find that the RG flow of the Holstein model does not have any critical fixed points. This rules out a quantum critical point associated with a Pomeranchuk instability in d≤3. | en |
Description | Language |
This dataset includes all the computational notebooks to generate all plots of the publication. README-File is included. | en |
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Type of identifier | Identifier | Type of publication | Type of relation |
DOI | 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.205148 | JournalArticle | IsSupplementTo |
Acquisition Date
Dec 22, 2024
Dec 22, 2024
Acquisition Date
Dec 22, 2024
Dec 22, 2024